Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grandpa Paul's 70th Birthday

June 19, 2010 To celebrate Grandpa Paul's 70th birthday, we had dinner up at his house. The whole family was there: grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, Aunt Sheila, Great-uncle Elmer and Great-Aunt Lee. Unfortunately, Uncle Kevin had to stay in Los Angeles and work.
We had a lovely evening! Grandma Kathy made grandpa's favorite meal: spaghetti for dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Although I couldn't have the strawberries (mom thinks I may be allergic), I did taste everything else, and it was good! Before, during and after the meal, I found plenty of things to do to entertain myself.
I tried walking around on the grass and going up and down the stairs (with help, of course).

I played ball, tossing it to anyone who wanted to play. The game ended when the dogs wanted to join and took the ball away.

Grandma let me play in the water in her bathroom.
Then, she gave me my own toothbrush to practice brushing my teeth with.

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