Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day Breakfast

On Father's Day, dad had to go to the Police Academy in the morning, so mom and I headed up to Calistoga to celebrate the day with Papa. Aunt April had spent the night, so she drove with us. We all met at the Hydro Grill and had a yummy breakfast. Mom ordered me eggs and toast, but I was more interested in her Huevos Rancheros. She gave me some of the black beans on top of my eggs. When she wasn't looking, I grabbed a handful of both, then quickly flicked the eggs off of my hand, so that only the beans remained. Once the beans were gone, I did eat most of the eggs and all of the toast.

We had a busy dad ahead, so after breakfast we all parted ways. It was nice to see Papa on Father's Day though. I just love hanging out with him!

Not quite ready for the photo to be taken...
Being a goof ball with Papa and TeTe:
The Aunties:
Mom and her dad:
Aunt April letting me press the cross walk button (one of my latest obsessions):

When we got home from breakfast, dad soon returned from class. Mom and I got him several red ales to compare to the last batch of irish red ale he made. Don't mind the drool

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