Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

On July 4th, Grandma and Grandpa Miller celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!! Mom, dad and Aunt Sheila packed them a picnic and sent them to the plaza to work on a memory book that they made.

While they were gone, I think I figured out how to use a VHS player on my own. I had never seen one before, since nobody I know except grandpa owns one.

When they returned, I showed off my stacking skills with my block train...
I even clap for myself when I get a block on.

Mom and dad made everyone dinner, then we watched fireworks from the golf course. Before they began, I tried to convince everyone that a bright star was the moon, but no one was buying it. The moon wasn't out, so I thought it was a close second. I loved watching all of the lights of the fireworks in the sky. I was only scared a little during the finale, when there were lots of big booms.

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