Saturday, April 4, 2009

3 Weeks Old

So, I am hours away from being 3 weeks old. This last week has flown by! Mom and dad had to take me to the doctor's twice. The bad news is that I have only gained an ounce in 2 weeks. The good news is that I look really healthy and alert otherwise. So, all this week mom has been trying to feed me more. At times, I rebel and projectile vomit all over her and me. It is my little way of saying... I AM FULL ALREADY!!

I have also started to make a lot of funny faces and noises. Here are a few pictures mom took of me when I was waking up...


  1. Hi Paul and Paula, He looks so grown up already! what a beautiful child, I see both of you in him.Enjoy every minute with Tanyon. We'll be out in late Spring to meet him, Hope youre not too tired mommy and daddy. Love, Aunt Beth and Uncle Brian

  2. Hi guys,
    We would love to stop by this Tues, Wed or Thurs. Give us a call if that works for you.. if it's too crazy right now we understand. Hope all is well.
    Love, Meghan, Molly, Wally, Declan
