Wednesday, March 25, 2009

1st Week of Life

Mom, Dad, and I are settling into life at home. Mom says it is all about getting used to my cycle: feed, burp, change diaper, sleep. This cycle usually repeats every 2-3 hours. It depends on my mood and how fickle I am about eating. Sometimes at night, I give my parents a little extra sleep and wait 4 hours in between feedings. They really love when I do that...

In general, I spend most of the day in somebody's arms. I tend to sleep better that way and mom feels more comfortable knowing that I am breathing at all times. Our new favorite item is the baby carrier. Mom or Dad pops me inside and they get to do whatever they want, because they have both hands available. Mom particularly likes to walk around the neighborhood with me inside. She gets to get out of the house and Emma (our dog) gets a walk too.

I am just over a week old and life is already pretty busy. I have been getting lots of visitors. Most of the time I sleep while these friends and family members hold me. It has been especially nice to spend some time with Great Grandma Joan. She comes over during the day and watches me, so mommy can shower, or run an errand. You can tell that Grandma had lots of her own children, because she knows just how to hold me and calm me down. I really hope she decides to stay for longer...

Finally, mom insisted that we post some pictures from my first bath. As you can see, I did not like the whole process very much. I am getting more accostumed to the baths now, but I definately like to squirm as much as possible.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! He's so sweet and LITTLE!! Although I'm sure he didn't feel little when you were pushing, Paula :) We would love to visit sometime soon. Meg and Wally are here from 4/10-18. If you're up to it, we want to head up, say hi and bring food sometime when they're here. I'll call next week. Declan can't wait to meet his little cousin! xoxo

  2. What a doll! I can't wait to meet him! Congrats to you both;))
    meg and wally
