Friday, April 17, 2009

1 month old

On Wednesday, I officially turned one month old. Mom put me in an outfit that she picked out on the day they found out I was a boy. I kindly did not throw up on the outfit all day, which she appreciated. Some of dad's cousin's visited me: Molly, Meghan, Wally, and little Declan. The adults took turns holding me, while two-year old Declan focused on giving Emma hugs and checking out the chickens. Someday, when I get bigger, we are going to have to set up a play date. Thursday was very busy. Grandma Deanne came over on her lunch break to hold me and say hi to mom. It was also Aunt Sheila's birthday... Happy Birthday! We celebrated by having dinner and princess cake up at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Friday, we went to the doctor's and heard very good news...I am now 9lbs. 7oz! That means I gained over a pound in a week. Mom was hoping that my waking her up more often at night to feed was going to pay off and it did. So, I am on my way to Cubbyville! OK, maybe not, but at least I am bulking up a little bit.

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