Sunday, January 2, 2011

Making Holiday Cookies

Aunt April came over Saturday, Dec. 18th, to help us make cookies for the holidays. First, we spent some time playing and I showed her all of the ornaments on our tree. During this holiday time, I found it necessary to explain all of the ornaments to any guest that came over. The tree, or "arbol" as I like to say, was so beautiful to me that I was sure everyone else wanted to spend time around it.
On Saturday, we all stayed up and baked cookies, but we still weren't done. So, on Sunday morning, we all got up and continued baking in our jammies.
Mom gave me an apron (made by Aunt April last year), some cooking utencils and I was off. April even snuck me some of the gingerbread cookie dough, because it didn't have any eggs in it. It was so delicious, that I thought I should stay close by in case she floated any more my way.
Sunday afternoon, TeTe and Papa came by and decorated their gingerbread people to look just like themselves. Unfortunately, I started not feeling 100%, so I spent much of the afternoon rocking and reading with Nana, while everyone else decorated.

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