Sunday, February 21, 2010

A few outings worth mentioning

February has been a busy month so far!

On Saturday, Feb. 6th, we went to our friend Richard's 30th birthday party. I was a bit tired and a little shy of the adults, but it quickly turned around when I saw Richard's gorgeous nieces and young friends. There were several kids to play with. I sort of fell for this one girl, Odessa...she is Richard's niece. She had on a pretty blue and white striped dress that I had to get my hands on. Odessa also said she liked the way I "slithered" across the floor. She may be 3 years older than me, but I think we had a connection. Mom and dad took me home before cake, because it was way past my bed time. So, I couldn't nail down any digits, but I have a feeling that I will be seeing her again.

Superbowl Sunday was a little excitement to our otherwise mellow routine. Mom and dad took me for a run around the MacDonald Mansion neighborhood. Dad was telling someone something about burning off calories before eating junk and becoming a couch potato (whatever that means). The weather was beautiful though and we opened all of the blinds to enjoy it from inside. Mom and I played most of the afternoon while dad made comments at the television. Our friend Jeff came by before work to watch some of the game with dad and to play a bit with me. I am usually a little nervous when someone new comes around, Jeff seems to really "get" me. He lets me warm up to him from across the room first, then he lets me make the first move in the friendship. By the end of his time at our house, I let him hold me and hang out. That evening we were fortunate to also see our friends Emily and Chloe. I slept part of the time that they were here, but in the end I got to spend a little time with them as I ate dinner and they caught up with mom and dad.

Wednesday, Feb. 10th, dad's best friend from high school and his family visited. Ben and Cat now live in Maine with their kids Joshua and Hannah. They were really nice and I was immediately drawn to Joshua. He played a little with me and my toys at the house and he told some great stories. Hannah was a little more shy, but she was very sweet. We went out to dinner at Mary's Pizza. Mom brought cheerios for me, so I didn't get to order off the menu like everyone else. In fact, I thought that everyone maybe needed to pay a little more attention to me, so I started yelling in the restaurant. I wasn't upset, I just wanted to exercise my voice a bit. Mom was thankful that the restaurant was big and loud anyway, but nonetheless she shushed me a few times. What really made me stop, however, was her picking me up and playing with me. Hannah ended up falling asleep on her daddy's lap and I showed signs of tiredness, so the night ended early. Dad was very happy to have seen his old friend again though.

On Friday, Feb. 12th, we went to our regular mommy walk with Becca and Violet. This time Violet was extra talkative and smiley. She seems to be maturing a bit and becoming more comfortable in her own skin. In fact, instead of me grabbing her hand, she actually reached for mine this time. I was a little caught off guard. Mom thinks it is adorable and kept commenting on how cute Violet is. I have to say, I agree with her!

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