Friday, May 1, 2009

First Softball Game

On Thursday, mommy and Grandpa Matthew took me to Montgomery High School to watch cousin Shauna play softball. It was a little cold out, but I had lots of bodies to help warm me up. Auntie Judy, cousin Jaliffa, Grammie Joan, and Grandpa Matthew took turns holding and feeding me. Uncle Mike led the Vikings to a 11-1 win over Piner. Shauna did great! She had some killer at bats. The most memorable was a battle with the pitcher, which led to a foul ball soaring through the air and landing on Uncle Mike's windshield. The impact made a huge crack that spidered out. Luckily, she finished the at bat with a double that drove in runs. Despite some fussiness, I had a great time with my extended family. I hope to do it again soon!

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