Friday, February 18, 2011

Date Night

A couple of weeks ago, I went out on my first dinner date with Violet. Of course, our parents chaperoned and used it as an excuse to hang out as well.

To start the night, I let her play with my fridge toy:
Then, we went out to Chevy's for dinner. Our parents thought that my tendency to get out of the high chair and Violet's pterodactyl scream, it would be best to go to a place that was loud and had lots going on. Here I am pouring on the charm:
I don't know if Violet is so sure about me touching her high chair:
After seeing this, mom said I have a lot to learn about treating my dates right:
On the way to our cars, I found a grate and had big fun jumping on it to make noise:
Violet thought it was hillarious:
She was a little timid to stomp on it at first, but after a little while, she joined in the fun:
Then, she showed me how to properly use the phone:
For my final show of strength, I shook this garage gate with all of my might. I think she was pretty impressed.
Overall, it was a good time. Mom and Becca even scheduled a day trip together for the end of the month. I can't wait to see Miss Violet again!

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