Saturday, February 26, 2011

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, I got my dad a special gift... Here I am excited while he opens the card I wrote in:
Voila! New t-shirts, because I always pull at the neck of his other ones and ruin them:

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wrangling Chickens

As many of your know, I have 6 chickens. Sometimes, we let them free-range around the yard. I have become quite fond of them and I will often try to pet and hold them. The white one is the most compliant. However, dad taught me to feed them from my hand, and when I have food, they all seem interested in me.

Not sure which one to try and get first:
Telling Whitey where the rest of her chicken friends are:
Giving my favorite hen some love:

Cruz's 1st Birthday

After the party, mom, dad and I went to Middletown to watch the Superbowl on Papa's awesome T.V. Of course, I had to feed the sheep and baby lambs first...

Saturday, February 19, 2011


My 2-year old molars are emerging and as a result, I have started putting a hackey-sack ball in my mouth and running around the house with it. Mom thinks it probably feels good to bite down on the ball, but I will keep it in my mouth for awhile. As you can see from the picture, I think it is pretty funny, too.

Lost Photos from Early January

Mom thought our camera was kaput, but Dad magically made it all better and as a result, we found some pics from earlier this year.
Here is a trip to Middletown, where I got to hang out with Keller.

Mom got the idea of what it would be like to feed 2 children at once...

Keller was a little shy of the camera...

I, of course, am not camera-shy at all...

TeTe brought us BOTH out on the tractor for a ride. Overall, an awesome day!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Date Night

A couple of weeks ago, I went out on my first dinner date with Violet. Of course, our parents chaperoned and used it as an excuse to hang out as well.

To start the night, I let her play with my fridge toy:
Then, we went out to Chevy's for dinner. Our parents thought that my tendency to get out of the high chair and Violet's pterodactyl scream, it would be best to go to a place that was loud and had lots going on. Here I am pouring on the charm:
I don't know if Violet is so sure about me touching her high chair:
After seeing this, mom said I have a lot to learn about treating my dates right:
On the way to our cars, I found a grate and had big fun jumping on it to make noise:
Violet thought it was hillarious:
She was a little timid to stomp on it at first, but after a little while, she joined in the fun:
Then, she showed me how to properly use the phone:
For my final show of strength, I shook this garage gate with all of my might. I think she was pretty impressed.
Overall, it was a good time. Mom and Becca even scheduled a day trip together for the end of the month. I can't wait to see Miss Violet again!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tennis Practice

I have been practicing my tennis skills with Bapa in Healdsburg for a couple of weeks. Nana bought me my own rackets and I have spent hours hitting, collecting, and throwing tennis balls. Here I am testing my new skills out with our neighbor Sarah.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fixing Up Grandma Joan's New House

I am so excited! Grandma Joan is moving back into town and she will only be 1.5 miles away. She will be living in the Pink House and there were many updates that needed to be made before she moved in. Papa, dad, mom and many others worked hard to refinish the floors, paint and move furniture. While they were working, I got to spend lots of time with Grandma Joan. She and I walked around the property and played just like Mommy and Papa did when they were kids. In fact, 5 generations of children in our family have played here (4 are still living!).

Below: Papa is letting me drive his truck around the property.

Here I am playing with Grandma Joan. She is helping me balance.

After I got my balance, I rush towards her and "jump" into her arms.
Very happy to be spending time with Papa...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

21 and a half months

First Snow!

I know it is hard to believe with all of this nice weather lately, but in the beginning of January, Papa and TeTe drove down from Middletown with snow for me. It had just snowed several inches up there and it was so heavy and thick that it remained on Papa's truck the whole car ride down to Santa Rosa. When they arrived, I was sleeping, so mom and dad joined them in scrapping it off the car and building some snowmen for me.

As they were finishing, I woke up and tried to figure out what they were up to. Notice the dazed look and sleepy eyes:

When they were finished, we had a Miller Snow Family, each outfitted with one of our hats:
TeTe even built a little Emma Snow dog:
Although, I was sleepy, I was able to learn the word "snow" and I quickly used the word "cold" to describe it. It was a pretty awesome afternoon surprise!

Dog Riding

Mom is surprised that it took me this long to try riding Emma!

Photo taken: 1-2-11