Saturday, April 10, 2010


Days before Easter, I received my first Easter basket from our neighbors Brad and Roger. It was chickee themed, because I love our backyard chickens.
On Easter, our first stop was Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house. I started the day in a great mood...
I had a moment when I wasn't sure I was ready for the day...

But, I quickly rebounded to be the ham I like to be...
Next stop was Middletown, where I hung out with mommy's family. Here I am with Aunt April. She had just given me some new monster shoes and is showing me what kind of noises a monster might make...
Here was the dessert April made for everyone, Peep Sushi...
Mommy made Easter themed sugar cookies (the alien duck in the corner is for April)...
After a little while, Keller joined us. I showed him my walker skills and he sat with mommy...
Here is the balloon April got for me. It was bigger than I was!

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