Monday, June 13, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

For Mother's Day, the family went out to a park in Rio Nido, where Grammie Dee organized a party with her friends. Here are Tanyon and I playing on the slide:
Grammie Dee making grilled polenta:

Aunt April enjoying the yummy food everyone brought:

Paul and I enjoying the sunny day: There was a large hill next to the park and Tanyon found great happiness while running down it as fast as he could. His cautious nature was thrown out the window as he bounced along:

He even enjoyed hiking back up the hill:

After one of his jogs down the hill, Tanyon fell and started to roll. I thought it would be the end of playing on the hill, but to my surprise, he started laughing and tried to roll more. He started by running fast and falling on purpose, but it didn't work. He needed a little help from mom to get him going:

More rolling:

After we got back from lunch, Paul had to go to work. So, Tanyon and I met with Nana and Aunt Sheila for dinner.

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