Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Papa's Birthday

For Papa's birthday, we hiked up Mount St. Helena in Robert Lewis Stevens Park. Mom had just gotten a backpack from someone at work and we were eager to try it out. During the hike, I insisted on telling everyone about garbage cans. I worked the following words into our conversations as much as possible: garbage can, throw, all gone, and shut. Mom taught me new words and the spanish translation. By the end of the hike, I could point to an "arbol" and "hojas." I also practiced "arriba" and "abajo." Great Aunt Mari joined Papa, TeTe, Mama, and I. It wasn't long before I gave her the nickname of "Mamo."

Resting stop: After a quick snack while watching some rock climbers, we started up the final ascent. However, the wind got really strong and it was a bit scary. I liked it when the wind was light and mellow, however, this was too much. Everyone had to turn around and head back.

Getting some quality hike time with Papa:
Playing in the leaves with Mamo:

Walking on the log with TeTe. After the hike, I fell asleep in the car on the way to Calistoga. We all went to the Hydro Grill for drinks and appetizers, but I slept through the whole thing. They gave me my own booth bench to lay out.

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