Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mama? (A post from mom)

Not sure if this counts as "Mama," but I will take it! He said it about 7 times that day. Most of the time it sounded like mama, but other times it started as "Mama" and turned into something else. December 28th, 2009

Other December landmarks in the life of Tanyon:

  • Week of 12/7-12/14: Started sitting up in his crib at night from a lying down position. Unfortunately, he didn't figure out how to lay back down at first, which led to some sleepless nights.
  • 12/10/09: 3rd tooth emerges. It is Tanyon's upper left tooth.
  • Mid December: Says what sounds like "hi" to Grandma Deanne twice during one of her lunch visits.
  • 12/27: 4th tooth emerges (his upper right one). Mommy's singing of "All I Want for Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth" seems to have been a premonition.
  • 1/3/10: Tanyon claps after watching others clap for him.

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