Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Halloween began with a costume parade at Tanyon's preschool.  I had to work, so Paul took him got him ready and brought him.  Apparently, Tanyon was not very interested in getting photographed in his golfer costume despite being super excited about it for weeks.  Here is Tanyon at the costume parade.  Note his collar isn't quite fastened...stressful morning, or daddy who was unfamiliar with the costume?

Sitting with his friend Maya, insisting dad does not take any more pictures....

Sitting with his friend and the object of many hugs and kisses, Sammy:

Later that night, Tanyon still was not very interested in getting his picture taken, but he was very interested in getting candy from the neighbors. The following pictures were some of the dozens I took trying to get him to pose.

When it came time to trick-or-treating, who knew the neighborhood cats would trump his interest over Halloween candy?

We made a few stops around the 'hood before getting to Violet and Becca's house. The Yo Gabba Gabba team joined us for a few candy stops.

Since Tanyon forgot his nap, he was more content to have dad carry him some of the way...

Two year olds trick-or-treating are simply adorable. Nobody could resist them. Of course, Tanyon had some rules about which houses he could go to or not.  If the decorations were too scary, then we skipped it.  We also had to cross the street after nearly every house, which gave us a zig-zag path through the neighborhood.  Overall, he held it together despite no nap. He was much more engaged and understood lots more than the previous year

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