Sunday, July 31, 2011


Tanyon' neighbor and friend came over to play in June and together we built a fort.  Using blankets and furniture, we make a perfect spot for them to read books together.
Here they are hiding inside the fort:
Happy Tanyon!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Howarth Park 6/16

On Thursdays this summer, I have been walking with some of my teacher friends at various locations around the county.  On 6/16 we walked around Spring Lake and afterwards I promised to take Tanyon to the park.  On the way there, we saw the train going around the track.  I was immediately taken back to my childhood and the rides we used to take on that same train. So, Tanyon and I bought tickets and waited for the first ride of the day. He was very excited!

 He waited patiently with this ticket in hand for the conductor to come and take it.
 Enjoying the ride together:
 After the train ride, we headed to the park area.  Tanyon has been here many times.  Here he is doing some of his favorite activities...

Playing in the wet sand:
 Riding and petting the cows:
Pretending to drive:
Going down the slides:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Giants Game-#4 of the Season

The sweet give away for kids 14 and under, a skateboard deck.  Aunt April really wanted it, so Tanyon is giving her a little "in your face, auntie." It pays to be a little guy sometimes.
 Cheering for his team with Mamo, perhaps even cheering for his favorite player, "Cody Woss":
 Aunt April gave Tanyon some fake monkey tattoos, which he is trying to show off:
 Cousin Shauna and Aunt Julia:
 Mamo and Cousin Alavean:
 Mom and Tanyon at our 4th game this season:
 Hanging with Cousin Jaliffa:
This is what I do when Brian Wilson takes the mound and they play House of Pain's "Jump Around:"

Caleb's Birthday Party

I have a friend at work who has a son named Caleb.  We have been wanting to get the boys together for awhile, so they kindly invited us to his 4th birthday party.  Tanyon was the youngest one there by far and was definitely not interested in going in the jumpy house they had.  However, he still had a great time pretending to mow the lawn with Caleb's mower and playing with the water table. 

 Here is the birthday boy and his cake:

 Sitting on the grass watching Caleb open his presents, always with some form of sun protection:

More Guitar Playing

"In my garden" Song:

In front of our house there is a small bird house. This year and mommy and daddy bird have made a nest and we have some baby birds.  Tanyon has loved the big birds feed the babies throughout the day.  So, although Tanyon was very into his guitar playing, he was excited when the mama bird flew by:

Tanyon's New Guitar

After the guitar playing at Papa and Tete's house, Paul decided it was time to get Tanyon his own to practice on. He was so excited, that he played it immediately.  He loves strumming the strings and singing on the top of his lungs...
 Imitation of Elvis:
 Singing loud and proud:
 Oh yeah!:
Song Compilation (Santa Claus to Tuna Fish)

ABC song interrupted by need to tune his guitar:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Irish Night at the Ballpark

Giants Game #3 of the season

Tanyon's first tailgate party. He had a ball eating carrots, chips and guacamole. However, the stadium was in sight, so after a half an hour, he pulled my arm and said, "Giants over there, mommy!" We were waiting for April to arrive, so we couldn't leave yet.  So, Tanyon tried to escape and make a run for the stadium several times. You can't keep this Giants' fan away from the ballpark too long.
 Tanyon got to wear Paul's special Giants beenie when it got chilly:
Although we witnessed our first loss of the season, it was nice to spend time with Papa, April, Larry and Tori.

Brushing Teeth

Paul found a brilliant way to get Tanyon motivated to brush his teeth.  It was much better than the hold him down method I had tried.

HELP! Trapped in the tower

Tanyon has been playing with the "Little People" sets that we inherited or found on ebay. He loves to move the people around and have them "play." All of this is very cute to watch, but he does something very funny when he plays with his castle. He loads up the school bus with all of the children, then he brings them to the castle, where he dropps them all in the tower.  Then, he will sometimes say, "Uh oh! Stuck!" and want us to help him get them out.  However, sometimes he just leaves the kids in the tower for days at a time. It is kind of dark, but hillarious. I am not sure what it means.  After the children sat in the tower for over a week, I decided it was time to switch out toys (as I do each month).  After that, no more tortured souls in the tower, just regular play time with the farm animals.

More Guitar Playing

More Bugs

"Giant" Song (based on the bedtime story Bapa tells me):


On Paul and my 7th anniversary, Tanyon spent some time in Middletown, while we enjoyed a day together in Calistoga getting massages and eating yummy food. When we went to pick Tanyon up, he couldn't wait to show us his new skill.  Papa and Tete had a small guitar for him to play.  After a few short lessons, he and the guitar were inseperable. Not only did Tanyon sing some of the classic songs he knew, he started to make up some on his own.  By the time we got the video going, he was insistant on singing only originals.
The "Frog" song:

What do frogs eat?...The "Eat Bugs" song:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Julia's Graduation from SJSU

Tanyon was very proud of Aunt Julia's accomplishments:
 However, the ceremony was a bit long for a 2 year old who didn't get a long nap, so Tanyon found other ways to entertain himself...
Hiding behind furniture, after running from whatever adult was watching him:
 Wait! Where did Tanyon go?
 There he is with TeTe:
 Here is the beautiful grad with her family after the ceremony:
 More fam:
 In order to let out some steam, Tanyon did some streaking down the hotel hallway towards Papa and TeTe's room:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Papa's NCS Honor Coach Award

On May 27th, the family headed to Berkeley to watch Papa recieve the NCS Track and Field Honor Coach of the Year Award at the NCS Meet of Champions.  We are all very proud of this accomplishment.  It was well deserved after many years of influencing and coaching young athletes at Montgomery and Middletown High. 

Here Tanyon is hanging out with Cousin Mariano after Mariano competed in discuss at the Meet of Champions:
 Here Papa is getting his award in front of the crowd:
 A very proud family:
 Love this shot of Papa and Tanyon!:

Neighbor Friend

This is Tanyon's friend and neighbor, Maya.  She is 4 years old and Tanyon adores her.  They spend lots of time playing in the front yard and at each others' houses.  When we had chickens, she came over to pet them.  It is a funny relationship, as Tanyon wants to hug Maya, or hold her hand most of the time, and Maya wants to play.  They are negotiating a balance. 
 Here they are playing baseball and practicing their swinging:
Tanyon loves to play baseball so much, that he will even use a shovel to practice hitting the ball.

May 21st, 2011