Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sorry, I haven´t checked in for the last couple of weeks. I am in ARGENTINA! Mom and dad took me down here on July 15th and we will all be returning on August 1st. We are having a great time. The argentinians are very friendly and like to coo over me everywhere we go. I hope to update the blog with pictures and more stories when I return. Ciao!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

Happy Anniversary to Grandma and Grandpa!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quite Verbal

I have decided that there are many things to say. There is just too much going on in the world to not speak up! Here I am with daddy, telling him about my latest discovery.

Grandma Kathy's Birthday

On June 28th, the family celebrated Grandma Kathy's birthday in Healdsburg. Aunt Sheila made yummy bison burgers and a cobbler, which I couldn't have, but everyone else seemed to enjoy. It was a hot night, so I spent most of the time in my diaper. Nobody seemed to mind.


Last Saturday, June 27th, I rolled over for the first time. Mom and Dad knew I would do it soon, because I had gotten close on many occasions. However, I waited until I got up to the grandparents' house in Middletown to do it. Mom was holding baby Keller in the other room and came to check on me. When she got to the play pen, she saw me laying on my back! (I am normally a belly sleeper) You can tell from my picture, that I was a little surprised... I kept trying to repeat my triumphant performance throughout the day, but I was unable to do so.

Here are some pictures of my trying to roll again...

And, a shot with Aunt April after a tiring day...

Lovin' my play mat

For awhile now, I have loved laying on my play mat. A couple of weeks ago though, the attachment that lights up and sings to me broke! For over a week, I did not want to be on the mat without it. However, after a small break, I can barely remember what that piece sounded or looked like. I am having way more fun grabbing and batting at the toys above my head. Who needs all that technology to keep me entertained.